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Which type of plastic mold will be ideal for molding in your home?

April 12, 2021
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How plastic molding is perfect for creating plastic products?

plastic mold

Do you even imagine how many of your everyday household products are made of plastic?

Actually, you can’t! They are more than you would believe. Plastic products are everywhere. They are all possible just because of plastic molds.

We use a specific mold of the desired shape in plastic molding and the final product is just before our eyes only in a few minutes. Plastic molding is actually an ideal process for making plastic products.

Do you want to mold plastic at your home?

Isn't it exciting? Yes, it is!

Basically, it is an amazing thought for those who love to create different objects at home. If you think that it is impossible because it requires large machines then you are wrong.

Today it has become possible because of the advancement of material sciences. So, if you are really interested, then this guide will obviously cater to you what you exactly want.

But first of all, let’s have a little glance at the importance of plastic products in our daily life.

What are the uses of plastic objects in our daily life?

Nowadays plastic objects have become inevitable. Here is just a small list of common items containing or made of plastic.

  • TV and its remote control;
  • DVDs, CDs;
  • Smartphones, laptops, computer, mouse;
  • Clothing;
  • Your sunglasses;
  • Most of your furniture and so on.

Actually, they are only a few because we just can't count them all. In fact, plastic objects are extremely reliable as well as highly affordable so people are increasingly using plastic products.

Let’s get back to plastic molding with the help of a plastic mold in your home!

First thing first;

Why should you choose the perfect mold material for plastic mold?

In fact, if you are going to mold any of your favorite objects at home, then the first thing you need to have for creating a plastic part is a mold.

Basically, a mold is just like a female model of your original part. So, for producing perfect plastic products at home you must choose the right material (silicone) for making a mold as it is extremely important.

If your mold will be created perfectly, automatically your plastic products will be exactly according to your expectations.

 What will be the ideal material for plastic mold?

Actually, there are several materials that you can use for creating molds but silicone rubber is ideal for molding plastic at home. Moreover, it is also called Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) rubber.

Silicone rubber is ideal because it comes in liquid form till you the required catalyst. Actually, you can cast more than one hundred parts in these molds (silicone molds).

But if you want to cast only 10-20 parts then polyurethane mold rubber will be your ideal selection. Since it is ideally affordable so you can choose it for less production.

After selecting the material, in the next step, you will make your plastic mold.   

How do you make a plastic mold?

For making a mold, you will actually need a master part of the product whose copy objects you want to make. Moreover, you should carefully select the master part that must be similar to the actual part.


In the next step, you will have to glue the master part inside a cardboard box. For example, if you want to make plastic decoration parts of your favorite plastic object, first of all, you will fix your master part in the cardboard box by using glue.

Now mix the “tin” catalyst with the RTV liquid and carefully pour all the mixture into the mold box that you have created.

Basically, all this liquid material of RTV will take 20 to 24 hours for setting completely. In the end, you will simply remove the master part in order to get the mold cavity.

Why do you need to get the casting resins?

In this step, you need to pour your casting resins into your just-prepared plastic mold cavity in order to achieve your actual plastic parts. In fact, casting resins are available in two-part liquids. When will you pour the cavity?

Hence, in this step, you will simply pour the cavity after mixing the two parts of the casting resins. Next, you will have to mix the two parts of the casting resins thoroughly because it will help you to get ideal plastic objects.

Actually, after mixing the resin you will have to pour it immediately into the mold cavity. Hence, it will just take 10-15 minutes for the casting resins to set in the mold cavity.

Final step:

In the final step, you will actually release the plastic part from the mold after completely setting the casting resins to the mold cavity.

So, by following all the above steps carefully you can easily make your plastic objects at home by using a plastic mold.

What are the important guidelines to follow?

In the end, we are describing to you very important guidelines that you should always follow for achieving ideal plastic molding parts.

Actually, when you are going to mold plastic at home, you should give a light paint coat to the master part. Basically, it will really help you if the surface of your plastic mold is not very smooth.

Furthermore, you should always use safety glasses and hand gloves during the whole process of making plastic parts at your home.

Stay with us to know the amazing benefits of using silicone material for making a mold for plastic molding at home!

How many times can you use a silicone mold?

As we have already described to you that silicone rubber is ideal for making your plastic mold. Moreover, a silicone mold has been certified to conform to ASTM D-4236 for reuse more than 35 times in plastic molding.

Essentially, you can also re-melt as well as re-use the material over 35 times. Additionally, if you use a highly lower temperature while re-melting, it will increase it from 35 times to 100 times. But you will have to re-melt it by keeping the temperature below 180F.

plastic mold 2021


In fact, plastic molding is ideal as well as affordable for plastic parts production. It is very simple as you can easily mold plastic in your home. Moreover, using the plastic molding process, you can even mold high-quality complex plastic parts.

These molding parts are durable as they can actually withstand in any environment. Further, the plastic molding process is highly low cost as well as it takes a shorter product timeline. You can easily get error-free parts in a short period of time as it is very important for manufacturers.

Actually, for achieving high-quality plastic molded parts, you should select the perfect material (silicone) for making plastic mold. It is extremely important so you should deeply examine a general understanding of plastic material.

All and all, silicone is the perfect choice if you want to mold plastic at home.

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